
Location Map

Worship with us Sundays at 10:30
2001 S Magnolia Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301Construction Detour (updated 11/27/24)

253-215-8782 or 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 863 3258 2860
Statement on Conflict in Israel-Palestine
We are a faith community, grounded in the shared experience of God’s Spirit of guidance and grace. We believe that there is that of God, the Inner Light, the Christ Spirit in everyone. Thus, everyone is of equal, infinite worth. We strive to live simply, in honesty and integrity, building community, practicing equality and stewardship, and in peace seeking to prevent wars and other forms of violence. Everyone deserves to share equitably in both the life of our meeting and the world beyond our meeting. We lovingly embrace all people as siblings in our global human family. We do mean ALL people, including those ostracized by our culture at large: Black, Brown, Asian, First people, LGBTQ people, ALL people.
Joyfully, we invite you, your friends, and your family to join us in deep, contemplative, and unprogrammed worship and to discover if our religious community will provide the spiritual home you’re looking for.
-Tallahassee Friends Meeting (Quakers)-